Moving Die Rheometer

(47 Review)


Moving Die Rheometers are the standard testing method for characterisation of rubber curing in quality control as well as research and development. Therefore these rotorless curemeters are equipped with a closed, sealed, biconical die system according to all relevant ISO, ASTM and DIN standards.


Oscillation Frequency 100 Cycle Per Minute (1.66hz)Both temperature shows in directly L.C.D. 

1. Oscillating Amplitude + /-.5, 1 Degree

3. Sample Volume Approximately 6 cm

4. Temperature : Direct temperature control through Hem Hardware controller.

5. Calibrated Range 100-200 Degree.c PID

6. Electrical: 220 Volts Ac 60hz, Single Phase

7. Air Pressure : 60 Psi Minirnum(Air- Compressor is to be user's own equipment)

8. Printed Data: Torque S' ML St MH, S° ML MH, Tan Delta @ML @MH, TS 1, TS2, TS5, TC10, TC50, TC90

9. Graphic Output: Elastic Torque S Tan Delta, Viscous Torque S"

10. Computer Specification : Laptop

11. Wt. Gross 250-270 KG.

12. Panel: 20" × 20" X 48*

13. No Need of Teflon O Rings

14. Heal recovery is very fast


1. Elastic Torque Curve

2. Viscous Torque Curve

3. Upper Lower Die Curve

4. Tan Delta Curve

5. Rotorless